We’re available for any project


How It Works

Duis sodales, arcu ac molestie finibus, leo nibh gravida mauris, vitae consectetur orci leo non urna. Duis augue orci, egestas ut odio in, pretium tincidunt neque. Vestibulum dictum velit sit amet nibh posuere blandit. Proin convallis porttitor nunc in mattis.






Clients love us

Carli Vintaj is an artist within herself when specializing in fashion and style.  I caught her show at New York Fashion Week a few years back and have been a fan since.
CV collection is full of sculpture and sizzle. The brand’s design team combined Chic era-inspired rigor and classy vibes in an edgy, convincing way.
One can alternate pieces to go from work to an evening out.
Ann D.

I booked Carli’s service to help me get ready for an event and I also wanted to seek her advice because I love her personal style. Her design ideas are innovative, and she prides herself on providing her customers with an experience. You will get a glimpse of what high fashion is and what it represents. Be prepared to get tons of compliments when you step out. Thank you so much for getting me ready for my event and elevating my style ❤️

Angie Gordon
OMG!!! Phenomenal, Innovator, Creator, Artist, Style that surpasses your wildest imagination. Not only is she a sister, but a friend. So talented and never fails in styling and creating for the occasion. If an event is important to you, then make sure you call her!!! She’ll get you beyond right!
Brei Carter, Country Singer

I just want to say thank you for my recent experience in working with you at VintajSeventi. I appreciate you for being very thorough from beginning to end, starting with my initial consultation, then all the way to closing out our final clothing selections. Your industry knowledge is absolutely amazing. Working with you was well worth the price and every penny spent was of great value. Much gratitude and appreciation!

Cal Richardson
Big fan! I came to you with my own personal ideas and was looking for validation but you creatively put together some looks for me that gave me a think outside of the box perspective.  Change is hard but you were very patient with me and I felt your passion come through in every item selection. Men have many options for traditional shopping but you are the best when it comes to uniqueness and having that presence when you walk into the room.
I also appreciate you for making sure my looks were a reflection of my personality.  Thank you!
Jason Smith

We can help you with any project

Through creative ideas, innovation & sheer determination